Tuesday 5 April 2016

It walks: First attempt at a gif

Due to how much time I had given to character design/development I decided I needed to finally try creating a moving version of one of my characters. My first thoughts towards the process are just how time consuming and difficult it can be to make seemingly simple movements happen in a way that seems natural and flowing.

In the below gif I wanted to create a simple sequence of one of my bird characters walking in from one side of the screen and off from the other. To do this I filmed myself walking then created the various frames required by hand using a light box, tracing one character on top of the another, so as to show this as accurately as possible. However despite the care that I took, I assume I've missed certain minor movements of the hands or legs which have resulted in the outcome being far more rigid and unnatural than I would have liked.

This goes back to my initial thoughts on what makes a good gif versus what makes a good animation/moving image in that I need to keep the movements as simple as possible rather than trying anything too complex/above my skill level as an animator.

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