Thursday 21 April 2016

Final Crit: Decision on Poster Design

The final crit proved highly useful in that it confirmed much of what I already though about my work as well as helped me finalise which poster design I would use.

The main points that were made were:

-The strong visual consistency achieved through a focus on composition and balance coupled with the recurring use of visual motifs conveying science/mathematics/astronomy. 

-This point I was particularly pleased with given the amount of time time and effort I have put in to achieving tonal and compositional balance as well as, given the pitfalls of last brief, creating a strong visual consistency within my images.

-That this also effectively communicated the intended themes of science/maths.

-Clear sense of loss and destruction communicated through the post cards and poster; seemed to be a running narrative perhaps depicting a life event.

-However although it was a agreed there was quite a serious and sad nature to the images, as expected the tragic aspect of my work wasn't quite as apparent as the more clinical elements relating to her teachings.

-On a more superficial level it was also generally agreed that they had a very professional feel to them that had been achieved through the high level of craft. 

-Again I was particularity happy with this point as it feels like something of a break through given that, in the past I have felt my weakest point has been the inability to make the transition from developmental to final work to the level of quality I desired.

-It was also generally agreed that the poster pictured below was the strongest outcome due to its strong minimal composition and sense of balance that give its conveyed meanings a certain level of pertinence and immediacy not present in the other design.

-After a discussion with Jamie on the ethics of using found imagery I decided that I would use this poster as my final submission given that I do still have a sense of authorship over it. This is due to the process of selecting and editing gone in to creating the image coupled with the fact that if using found issues was an issue many collage artists, such as previous big heads artists Kate Gibb, or art movements such as Dada-ism wouldn't exist.

For once I am actually pretty happy with my final set of out come. Aesthetically I think they each stand up on their own as well as working together in a strong, consistent set. Also despite all sharing a similar visual aesthetic I like how each set, the stamps, post cards, and poster displays various different skills such as use of drawn elements, found imagery, collage and vectors.

Finally in terms of developing my own practice, much like the end of Visual Narrative, I think this brief has resulted in something of a break through. This is due to the fact that I have answered the brief to an effective level given that I have created imagery that successfully conveys the intended meaning of my project whilst also creating the the time of imagery that I wanted to make. This is mainly work that is bold, minimal and graphic in its nature.

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