Thursday 21 April 2016

Post Card Roughs

Whilst looking for practitioners to inform the more scientific aspects off my work I came across William Stein who creates simple geometric compositions vaguely referencing mathematical, scientific and philosophical concepts. Given the fact that I only have a limited understanding of these areas I feel a similar approach, if a little derivative, would be the best and most immediate way of communicating these themes. This seems especially pertinent given the fact that like me, the average viewer will also only have a basic understanding of the given themes.

William Stein

Although I have experimented earlier in this project with texture, I decided to pursue a much cleaner and graphic approach to creating geometric and mathematically informed images than the above work by Stein. This is because this clinical and controlled approach to image making is something I find highly challenging given that it is all about doing more with less. Furthermore I feel it best communicates my given themes and will have the greatest impact within the given formats.

As mentioned before I think I am going to use the post cards to create a subtle narrative hinting upon the destructing of a society/way of life and the end of an era. With this in mind out of all the above images the ones containing tumbling columns as well as angled and broken statues seem to jump out at me the most in terms of effectively trying to communicate this in intent. 

The next major step, as with my poster design will be to take things on screen so as to produce some much cleaner and minimal final out comes from these initial roughs.

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