Wednesday 20 April 2016

Final Outcome: Mumbai

This outcome is by far my most hated and is the one that ended up being the most time consuming and frustrating to make. Originally I had planned on doing a close up of a ships hull based off of one of my previous drawings. This was because I like the juxtaposition of the plain sheets of metal next to the skeletal frame works of the ship and thought that an interesting close up image would make a nice contrast to my previous two.

However, much like the initial designs for my Kobe outcome, it soon proved that I wasn't, at from my own point of view, being as reductive in my design process as I should have been to answer this brief. The result being a very confused looking image, pictured bellow, that had fallen completely flat on its face aesthetically as well as in terms of effectively communicating the idea of ship works and heavy industry.

Once again I was therefore forced to go back to the drawing board as it were creating a much simpler design focussing on skeletal form of a ships framework which I had found so striking when researching this subject.

I was much happier with this result as I felt that the basic shapes present were much more dynamic and varied as well as easily distinguishable from each other resulting a much more readable image that I felt effectively communicating the idea of ship building. Initially I don't think there was enough  contrast and balance in the composition as the only dark elements were the subtle shapes in the lower part of the ship. To solve this I decided to add a dark, almost black elements to the top two thirds of the image. This I feel gave it a lot more balance compositionally as well as grounding it in a physical space.

However the main issue with this image is that it lacks visual consistency with the other two images. This is due to the fact it doesn't make use of perspective/vanishing points to give the image a vast almost infinity feel that was present in the other two.

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