Thursday 21 April 2016

Tutorial / Feedback From Matt

Highly informative and useful discussion with Matt in regards to my work on Hypatia. Took the right step in terms of changing person as well as being more experimental and free in my approach to image making. However it was suggested I needed to take a bit of a step back so as to fully realise precisely what my intent is in regards to the conveyed meanings of my work given the complex nature of my subject and the initial flurry of ideas I have had.

This resulted in deciding to use the different formats to focus on the different aspects of Hypatia's life. For example the poster and post cards could be used to convey the erosion of a culture as well as scientific, philosophical and mathematical teachings of which her death as become a symbol. This would involve trying to convey a feeling a tragedy through my work which I think will be highly difficult.

In contrast to this the stamps could be used to simply celebrate her life's teachings given that there size require much simpler and concise images.However for all my work, regardless of the size, Matt said that I shouldn't underestimate the power of incredibly simple imagery in effectively conveying my intent.

Process wise, although I had already planned on doing so, I was strongly encouraged to take my work on to the screen given the graphic nature of it as well as explore the use of found imagery within my collages. This was so as to give working process more control which hopefully will result in more concise and immediate outcomes.

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