Tuesday 5 April 2016

More gif tests

Given the problems faced when creating my initial test gift of a man walking I began thinking how I could make moving images that were still engaging yet simpler enough in their construction for me to animate to a level I would be satisfied with.

After reviewing my previous designs I decided to go ahead and try animating a sequencing show arms stretching and interlocking with one another. Although the characters I created still need some work and refinement I was relatively happy with the test depicted below. I created it using the same technique as the walking man however, due to there being less elements to worry about and move, I feel this gif was a lot more successfully due to the fluidness of the animation. However despite the simplicity of the elements on show I feel it still has the mesmerising hypnotic quality I had been trying to create with my characters from the start.

As an after thought, having seen now how the pencil, and in the case of the bird man ink, textures act on screen I think I will create the final version of this gif using analogue methods.

After coming across the work of Mrzyk and Moriceau I decided creating a gif based on optical allusions might be another good way of creating something engaging, hypnotic and fully looping without having to been animated in an overly complex manner. This was due to how subtly clever and at times confusing their work is despite the fact that it is all extremely simple, clean monochromatic line and shape work. 

Mrzyk and Moriceau

With this in mind I decided to create a sequence of a man,s head looking up with the camera then zooming into his eye until nothing is left but a circle steadily getter bigger until it is then revealed to be the man looking up at which point the whole process repeats itself. Although I like the idea and think the test below does correctly demonstrate it I feel when made as a final version I need to include more frames so as to make the animations smoother and less hectic. Further more I think creating this gif digital, most likely using adobe illustrator and then Photoshop, will be the best way to achieve the clean monochromatic, almost graphic look that I want from it.

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