Monday, 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
Final Print Redesign

As I wasn't completely happy with how the umbrella design had worked out I tried drawing up a new design that would also include the reference to water as well as a figure reminiscent of the more visceral emotive approach to image making I had been conducting in studio brief 1.

I decided I wanted to try including an image of a woman smoking as, due to the habitual nature of a smoking addiction, it is about as mundane and monotonous an action as any. It is another action that prominently features in Murakami's work which I believe is due to, much like washing and exercise(other prominent features of his work) it offers those engaged int he activity a moment of respite and reflection. Coupling these quite moments of downtown and reflections with off kilter has been the repeated focus of my images and therefore seemed like a strong addition to my set.

I had originally drawn this composition including a serious of birds fighting the side however I felt that this took away from the quite subdued atmosphere I had wanted. Having creating a quite striking series of jellyfish mono prints in relation to excerpts from Wind Up Bird, I included one floating up out of the composition alongside the figure.

Short Comings of The Design

Despite the short comings of the umbrella design I think this is by far the weakest. Compositionally I think it feels far less balanced than the other mainly because of how little blue there is compared to the other two colours. Also, due to the use of negative space running off of the side I think it immediately sticks out from and doesn't feel like it belongs with the other 4 images that have printed elements running up to all the edges of the print.

I also think the use of the jellyfish is a too absurd and in your face when compared alongside the other three prints and also that the inclusion of yet another marine animal has given them the focus of the set seeming to change my intended focus in terms what message is trying to be conveyed.

However on the plus side I was happy with how the colours have mixed. At this point I feel like I have got quite a good understanding of the interaction between different colours when printing and will have a list of colours that I have already trialled and will be able to use within other projects.

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