Monday 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
Hammerhead Final Design

This had been one of my personal favourite designs. Much like the tree, what I like is the ambiguity of the situation. From one way you could view at a man sat reading a newspaper in a taxi whilst sharks float through the sky, something quite obviously surreal and absurd, or as a man sat reading a newspaper in an aquarium (which feature in Murakami's work) which, whilst being believable and too some extent 'normal', is quite bizarre and surreal when taken out of context.

Initially I had contemplated screen printing a variation of the lino design as, in one of the crits, some one had highlighted how dramatic it looked in comparison  to my original design. However after speaking to a tutor I decided to go with my original as it was suggested that it fitted in  a lot better with the subdued, still surrealism of every day moments that I had highlighted as a key aim at the start of the brief.


With this design I was finally able to get a yellow green colour way to work. Initially I had tried a burnt sienna and dark turquoise which, whilst I think being successful in terms of harmony of composition and communicating the desired mood/atmosphere looked too similar to the colours of the woman on the bike print.

Therefore I replaced the orange with a yellow, making sure to darken it even more than I had done with the bathroom print. The result was a print that managed to include a yellow whilst still retaining the subdued dream like quality that I wanted for my prints.

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