Monday 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
Further development of the two moons image

After printing the image of the woman and the two moons, there was a few things visually and conceptually that I wanted to change about it, leading to a quite dramatic re design.

Although I really wanted one of my final images to include the use of the two moons motif I felt that this image had been quite successful enough in communicating the mundane aspect of Murakami's work. This is due to the fact that the woman isn't doing anything in particular meaning that the image, in my opinion was boring rather than simply mundane. I though therefore it would be important to have the figure engaged in one of the everyday, repetitive activities, such as cooking, smoking reading, exercising etc that frequently occur in Murakami's work.

With this in mind I kept the back ground elements of the image but flipped the composition to landscape and redrew the female figure within riding on an exercise bike so as to better communicate the importance of the small mundane moments of everyday life within Murakami's work.As well as better communicating the intent of my project I also think it is a more harmonious and interesting composition on a technical level.

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