Sunday 15 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
Initial roughs/ideas

The main focus of this initial set of roughs is taking really mundane elements of everyday life and putting them into an unusual/out of place setting so as to result in weird and dreamlike images.

The ones I am least fond of conceptually are those with a too overtly surreal or overly energetic/chaotic feel to them. For example i feel that the images of a boat floating within a sink and a tower block splitting apart to unveil a waterfall, although based upon the above concept don't communicate/retain the subdued and dream like qualities that I had set out in my initial post for this project.

Although visually i'm not completely happy with them, the bathroom image in which 2 moons can be seen through the window as well as the images of a walkway floating in the sky better achieve the desired aesthetic and communicate my concepts better. This is because they are both very still images, reflecting my desire to depict the small moments in every day life yet both also include unusual elements to slightly off set the over all images and give them the subtly surreal feel that I am going for.

Another angle that I quite like was the depiction of the two animals exploring Murakami's frequent use of unexplained details to give something that could be completely normal and boring a elements of mystery/ambiguity. However here I have chosen what would result in a more character focused approach to visually explore which, although it is something I could further explore in my journal, is not at this moment the main focus/desired direction of my project.

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