Monday, 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
Focus On Screen Printing

Having tried three different print processes I have decided that I do want my final 5 images to be screen printed. This is because it is the process that I feel my roughs up to this point best translate into although I really enjoyed printing with lino, due to the restraints of the media it often results in a certain aesthetic that I don't want for my my work.

Furthermore I feel the use of overlaying colours is going to essential to accurately breaking down my images into the desired tonal range, something which is much harder to do with lino. At one point I had considered scanning in mono print elements digitally and applying them to my screen print negatives however, rather than using whole mono printed motifs/objects I think I will just use small parts of the textures. This is because I feel using too much of the texture will make my images look too worn and will cause too much white to show through making the different areas of the print less bold and distinct.

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