Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
Project Proposal

BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 05

OUIL504 Illustration: Process & Production

I intend to produce ……

A set of 5 prints. This is because I think it will compliment as well as allow me to further develop the use of bold, often simple graphic elements in my work that has been key to my practice throughout the course.
Furthermore it will allow me to get a better grasp of the print making process and allow process itself to drive my outcomes, something that I specifically highlighted at the end of first year as being something I wanted to further explore in  second year.
I am wanting to create a series of images linking as a set thematically rather than through a linear narrative.

The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts)
1. Dreamscapes
(Hard Boiled Wonderland/The majority of his texts)

2. Perception

3. Alienation/Solitude
(Wind Up Bird)

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.)

1. Tension between the mundane and surreal within an image with the intention of creating uncanny/dreamlike scenes/images.

2. Isolation of individual figures/elements within an image/scene so as to communicate ideas of solitude/alienation and melancholy.

3. How individual experience and attitudes can alter perception – aim to produce more ambiguous imagery that can be viewed with a different meaning/intent depending on how you/who looks at it.

To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics)

1. Fans of Murakami's Work

2. People interested in philosophy and psychology

3.Those with a strong interest in design, particular shape based composition and colour theory.

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