Monday 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 3: Moving Pictures
Study Task 4: Animated Shorts and Stings

Andrew Khosravani

What I find most captivating about this animation is that most of the energy and movement comes from the scene transitions. The scene's them selves sometimes have a lot of elements forming a more complex image but often the actual animations themselves are very simple and static. It's the clever transitions, such as a molecule breaking up into atoms, that allow for a subtle panning camera or even a sudden change often to happen with out seeming random and out of place. Therefore I think the use of panning, and if I decide to produce a longer clip, will be useful in adding a lot of interest and giving the illusion of movement without actually adding lots of complex animations.

Elenor Kopka

Once again it's the use of scene transitions, in particular panning camera shots that are key to the pacing and overall interest of this animation. Even though the character is often running or walking, if it was for the panning camera I think it would feel very stagnant. Furthermore the use of texture and dramatic lighting, such as when the door opens, that adds a sinister sense of tension to what would be otherwise very still and theoretically boring shots. Given that much of my project has been creating still yet moody images I think this will be key to furthering my visual language through the use of moving imagery.

Chen Winners

Once again the main moving elements are very simple with scene transitions and panning cameras being used to pace the animation. The textures show are quite similar to mine in that the lines and edges of the shapes have a similar quality to that of china marker so it is interesting to see how this translates to moving image - i much prefer it to the cleaner imagery of Khosravani, which matches the clean precise nature of explain a scientific concept, as I think it gives the video a much more visceral and emotive feel, something which I would like from my own work.
INNERVIEWS from Chen Winner on Vimeo.

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