Monday 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
Umbrella design

This design had been highlighted as my weakest of my finals, however I quite liked the subtlety of the free emerging from water in the background. To me the over all town of the woman walking through a wet landscape seem very moody, almost mournful and, although it could well be a real image in that a tree could be growing out of water it seemed surreal to me due to it's ambiguity.

Furthermore, much like the cat, I also felt it was important to make water a focus of one or multiple (hence the aquatic animals within my other designs) due to Murakami's repeated use of water either as metaphor/plot device or using water related settings within much of his work.

I think what I liked most was the emotive/visceral feel of the figure within the image. Although studio brief two has expanded on some of the themes and moods I explored in studio brief one I felt this provided a more clear link between the two.


I had really wanted to make the blue yellow colour scheme work for this print, however I think my major mistake here was mixing a blue that was too dark to use in the background. This has resulted in the background of the image taking centre stage and over powering the figure in the foreground.

To try and resolve this I tried using the pink blue colour scheme and, although it has succeeded in bringing the figure to the forefront of the composition I feel that the tree is tonally too similar and fighting for visual focus next to the blue of the sky/ water.

Also, although it is a different blue/pink I think it is for all intents and purposes the same as my previous bathroom colour scheme, going against the aims I had set out for the colours of my prints after the mega crit.

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