Monday 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 2: Printed Pictures
First Two Final Prints

Now that I was happy with the revised version of the two moons design I decided that I definitely would use this, along with the unicorn scull image as two of my finals. However after discussing the prints with a tutor I saw that there were a few issues with the latter image that needed addressing when re printing it.

Firstly the composition felt too empty just left of the figure within the images head and therefore, even though it wasn't the most efficient or best use of time, I would reprint it with the slight alteration of including a striped top so as to better break up the space.

Also, although the colours worked well visually, it was argued that using really vivid, overly contemporary colours took away from the subdued atmosphere of the work, therefore I decided to re think what colours I would print it in so as to better convey the desired mood.


Although I did reprint the skull design using cyan and magenta I think the use of red a pale blue was much more effective. Rather than making a purple like colour it resulted in 2 shades of red being produced. I feel this real added to the effect of the room being swathes in darkness and the lamp and window being bathed in light through the use of white negative space and blue objects/ elements. I also think that the colours suite my proposals intent feeling much more subdued/still than the more electric/energetic colours of cyan and magenta.

One colour pallet may work for one design but not another...

I tried printing the second design with the same colour pallet and, although visually I think it looks quite strong, much like with my swimmer lino the use of red has thrown the mood of the image off. This is because using red either for water or within the sky immediately creates the impression of blood and violence giving the image a far too aggressive and sinister feel.

Therefore I tried using a different set of complimentary colours, decided in a pale orange and turquoise colour. I was careful to make sure the orange had a dull quality too it as if it were two bright I felt, atmospherically, it would have the same effect as cyan and magenta. I was really happy to see that these have also made a very distinct and pleasant third colours, suggesting that the use of bold complimentary colours seems to be the key to success with overlays.

Initially I had wanted to print all of my 5 final prints in the same colours however, given how the use of colour affects different images in varying ways I realise this may not be possible. Therefore I am thinking that I would like to to do different colours for each of the 5, although I am slightly worried that there won't be any obvious connection between the images.

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