Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Studio Brief 3: Moving Pictures
Project Proposal

BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 05

OUIL504 Illustration: Process & Production

STUDIO BRIEF 3 PROJECT PROPOSAL: Production & Presentation of my Moving Pictures

I intend to produce ……

3 individual 10 second stings made using after effects. I want the use of camera pans and texture to be the main devices through which I add a sense of movement, pacing and atmosphere to my stings.
I think sound will, particularly the use of emotive ambient music, will be key furthering the tone and atmosphere of my work.
The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts)

1. Isolation, particularly through the use of sparse or empty scenes.

2. The Mundane

3. The Surreal / uncanny and how this contrasts with, and causes tension with the above.

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.)

I would like atmosphere and tone to be the focus of my stings although I will vary it from sting to sting so as to better reflect the broad spectrum of moods present in Murakami's work. These will include:

1. A heavy sense of tension bordering on sinister



To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics)

1.Fans of Murakami's work

2.Fans of thrillers

3.Fans of surrealist art and philosophy.

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