Monday 16 January 2017

Studio Brief 3: Moving Pictures
Sting 1

Hiruki Murakami Sting 1 from C Cooper on Vimeo.

For my first sting I chose to create the story boarded sequence of the camera panning in on the clouds behind the woman on the bike whilst they drift apart to reveal the moon and the authors title as the woman is slowly push out of the composition. What I liked about this sequence was the fact it let me add some movement to my image with out altering the original print, something which I had highlighted as one of my key aims in my project proposal.

However I think my decision to have the sky the darker colour and the clouds the lighter (in the print it is the other way round) resulted in a much clearer distinction between the different elements as the clouds move apart. Furthermore I think it added to the moody almost brooding atmosphere I wanted from this video.

I think sound has really helped reinforce this mood. The wind sound effect has helped add to the movement of the clouds whilst also giving the over all scene a sense of sparse emptiness giving the impression that the figure is utterly alone. This coupled with the slow, melancholy synth track (by Bruce) further enforced this feeling which I think is at the heart of both Murakami's work and my original print.

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